Doctor Day
Posted by Vulnadia on Jul 05, 2009 at 02:58 PM
This past Friday was Doctor Day at our house. The babies woke up and were told that they get to take Bregon to see the Doctor today!
This may sound mundane and dull to most, but to my tiny trio it meant an outing and that is always fun!
They were very gung-ho and helpful and everyone cooperated and got dressed and ready to go on time!
We got to the Doctor's office and everyone even unloaded gracefully and put on their leash backpacks like good little boys and girls for us!
Once inside, Kian gave the lady our insurance card and helped me fill out the sign-in sheet.
Next, the babies all went to work on the bead wire toys, dutifully stating colors shapes and making trains out of the beads.
The wait was quite a while, so we took to looking at pictures in the magazines available.
Vivienne found a picture of a cow, told us loudly what it was, then let out the biggest loudest most boisterous "MOO!!!" she could muster.
Everyone stopped cold and looked up to see who did that!
Next, we ran accross several adds for an old favorite, "Boudreaux's Butte Paste."
Normally, people are used to the name and know what this is all about if they have kids, but apparently not today.
Maybe it was the way my children each have a nasty habit of not being able to pronunciate the name properly and that was what caused all of the stares.
Really, I would have thought that everyone would have seen the humor in my predicament, but apparently not.
You see, my kids can say "Boudreaux's Butte Paste" only it comes out something like "Blueballs Butte Paste" instead.
It might not have been soo bad if the magazine hadn't been sporting about five consecutive pages of adds on just that product, but it was there in abundance when I tried turning the page to find something else to talk about with them.
Luckily, they called our name about the time we ran out of things to look at and not call "Blueballs" at the top of their lungs.
We took Bregon back to our greenroom and watched his exam. Kai noticed that there were trains on the wallpaper border.
Kian was very attentive and found all the Mommie-vans in the parking lots (mini-vans to everyone else) and then a big red Mack truck came down the street and he was just fit to be tied!
Everyone got stickers and was very happy after the appointment. Even Bregon survived somehow!
As a treat, we went to Chick filet for lunch. The babies were all so very grown up and sat and ate lunch like pro's.
Afterward, Husband met us and we had tea while the babies played in the playground!
All in all it was a nice relaxed Doctor day!
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