"Good" or "Bad" Ash...Yes There Are More Than One In Existence!
Posted by Vulnadia on Dec 10, 2009 at 08:47 AM
You have to understand something. Down in Houston, I have a dear friend who also gave birth within a month of me having my trio.
We both had a good giggle when comparing baby names of our babies to be when we found out that we were each planning on using a variation of the name "Ash" for our baby boys.
You see, one of mine was slated to be named "Kaiden Ashe" while Jenn's baby was slated to be dubbed "Ash Vaughn Kaiden."
It SOUNDS innocent enough until you realize exactly WHO we have gone and named our little boys after.
If you have ever seen any of the Evil Dead movie series, or the sequal Army of Darkness, then you would remember that the hero of the story is named "Ash" for Ashley actually.
Yep, we named our kids after a Zombie fighting, chainsaw & shotgun efficianado.
Funnier still, we didn't compare notes, we both did this independently of each other and had a good laugh when we discovered it.
Then came the BIG BIG question. In the movie Army of Darkness, Ash manages to somehow clone himself with a doppleganger and they actually have a huge argument that evolves into a fight over which one is the "Good Ash" and which one is the "Bad Ash."
To this day, we both swear that our children have this ongoing rather innate rivalry to see which one will be the Good or Bad Ash.
Jenn is convinced that her son is going to be the "BAD Ash" while I just don't know for certain!
Why would be even remotely curious? Well, we know there can be only one in the end...lol...
And that the meeting of the Ashes will be imminent at some point once mine are old enough to travel.
That being said, let me just toss out some of the things our Ash namesakes have been doing as of late.
Jenn's Ash decided it would be fun to flood her downstairs bathroom one day...she discovered this and punished him in his room while she cleaned up the mess.
Meanwhile, he dug deep in his closet and discovered some long forgotten tempre paints in the back of it with which he decided to repaint his room to suit his whim.
Poor Jenn has 2 other young children at home as well who are 5 and almost 1.
So, once she discovered THIS, she moved her Ash to his older sister's room where he helped her tie the cat to the toy rocking chair offering up his belt as a leash which was waayyy too short for kitty to safely be secured.
After the paint was cleared up, Ash got a reprieve and was allowed back into his bedroom for his time out.
This time, he found his secret stash of more paint (always thinking ahead) and decided it woudl be a great idea to paint the inside of his closet, contents included, so that Mom wouldn't discover it until AFTER it was dry and done!
He's really a sweet child, really he is, but this was all in a day's work for him!
Meanwhile, my Kaiden Ashe was giving his counterpart a run for his money.
You see, we finally put the Christmas tree out this past week.
My child has since learned exactly how to bound over that baby gate in a single leap, using only one arm to guide him over and his feet and legs clear that gate perfectly without a touch.
He seemed so cute and cherubic when he wrote his own musical about how a lonely choo choo train found itself living in the branches of a Christmas tree, using the limbs as tracks.
It was really cute until he managed to find a way to burn out the motor on the stand that made the tree spin!
Then came the scary part. You see, last year, husband found it cute to get the boys toy tool sets.
Fast forward to a year later, and somehow inherently, Kaiden Ashe knew EXACTLY what he should use that toy chainsaw for: Chopping down Christmas trees.
When Mommie put a stop to THAT activity, he decided to take off after his brother.
It went something like this, "No SIR, we do NOT use our toy chainsaw to play lumberjack & try & cut down our xmas tree...that is NOT funny & NOT what we use chainsaws for around our house...no it is NOT nice to chase your brother & try & cut off his hand, either...a chainsaw is NOT an acceptable limb replacement, i do not care WHO you are named after...so STOP IT!"
Yep, Jenn and I are constantly comparing stories about what our little boys are up to and trying desperately to predict which one is going to be "Good" Ash and which one will end up being "Bad" Ash.
Right now, they are running neck in neck for the competition and we really cant predict which one is going to win!
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