Imagination Express
It's no secret that my kids are obsessed with anything choo-choo train related!
On Tuesday, while on a very rare family excursion to Target, we managed to score 3 sets of Christmas Thomas's for the triplets.
They were so enthralled that they stayed in the car with Bregon QUIETLY, long enough for me to brave the busy grocery store and get a buggy-full, all because of their new choo's!
At home, this warranted an extra-special choo movie marathon of Holiday Thomas and Polar Express, both very worn very loved DVD's at my house!
Today, as I was working, I looked up to find something really cute going on.
They had moved their old feeding chairs over to the sofa, and had arranged them on the seat to form their very own Polar Express Train set-up.
Yep, they are playing choo choo train happily as I type, even.
Vivienne is currently the conductor, asking every passenger if they "Believe" and refusing to move on to the next until they agree!
I love to see my kids using their imaginations!
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