Friday, October 14, 2011


Posted by Vulnadia on Jul 02, 2009 at 09:34 AM Yesterday, Bregon took one for the team and emptied out the wading pool. He also cleaned it out and reinflated everything. The poor dear took nearly three hours to do all of this and STILL managed not to pass out somehow! Somehow, the pool valves have been spontaneously popping out and deflating itself here and there. The babies had been sorely and sadly missing their pool. They stood at the back door lamenting soo badly that we just had to do something about that! So, yesterday, it was swimming pool bliss for the babies and Bregon too! Bregon gathered all of the nemo's he could find and took them outside for Kian. Vivienne had to have all of the balls in the pool with her. Kai just wanted to play in the water without any toys needed! They have such a good time together in their pool!


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