Friday, October 14, 2011

Potty Training Tips: What Worked For Kian Part 3

Posted by Vulnadia on Jun 26, 2010 at 12:32 PM Friday was Kian's big day, his Pirate Potty Power celebration. Kian had finally gotten his Pirate Potty Powers and today we would celebrate with a movie. We headed out to see Toy Story 3 with promises of the kids getting to FINALLY go to the Renzi Center to help film what they called a "Space Pirate Movie." All 3 of the babies were psyched and ready to go! They all felt so very grown up getting to finally walk into the movie theater on their own instead of the set up from last year where I still had to use the stroller and make them ride! We headed to concessions and scored a huge popcorn tub to share among everyone. The babies chose to sit on the first row by the handicapped section and everyone settled in. Now for the REAL test. Would Kian know to go potty or would the movie distract him and make him forget that he wasn't wearing a diaper? (there is method to my madness, just don't try this expecting to get to actually see much of the movie!) He was asking to go potty even before the 2nd trailer ran. In fact, we totally missed the Rapunzel one. The second we got back, Vivienne decided that she had to go as well. This was gonna be a LONG movie! I probably got to see about half of the movie, but I now have confirmation that Kian truly does have his Pirate Potty Powers! After the movie, we made a bee-line for the Renzi Center where we were scheduled to make cameo appearances in the latest installment of The Remarkables super-hero series. The boys were slated to play baby bad-guys and I decided to surprise one of my favourite munchkins by appearing as his character (bad guy) Captain Venom's Mum, Anaconda Evita. He was soo surprised and excited he almost cried! It was rough getting the babies to comply and wear the helmets and masks long enough for us to get the shots we needed for the movie, but somehow it happened! We had some water inside and hung out a while so that the kids felt like big kids (yes we even checked out their potty a few times!) Next, I decided to surprise them all with a trip to the toystore to mark the special occasion! There, we discovered that Imaginext had a Toy Story 3 line! We came home with the landfill set, the piggie plane and enough accessories to round out the character line so that they could play most of the story-line if they wanted to. Best of all, there is this train set that is a part of the line that Kaiden REALLY REALLY REALLY would like to have. Guess who's week it will be NEXT week! Kaiden has quietly been practicing his potty skills all week alongside his brother. I haven't pushed him or anything, as I decided to focus on one child per week so that they each had the attention needed to succeed, but I have been letting him go whenever he asks, too! But next week, Kaiden has agreed to kick the diaper habit and will begin wearing HIS big-boy pants starting Monday morning! His potty power prize will be the acquisition of that train he has his eye on and a movie if he decides he wants to go that route! Wish me luck! by Vulnadia on Jun 28, 2010 at 05:53 PM yes they are 4... we are working on the last one NOW actually, but had a small setback since we had to all go take big brother to practice driving at the fair grounds parking lot (if the driving academy thinks its a good idea for 18 wheelers to learn there, then why not a 15 yr old??? lol) so we had to wear pullups...but he has tried really hard!!! & we got a coupon in the mail from the toystore that we can use for the train he really would like as his potty power he has a goal & a mission now!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Community Theater, Stage Work, Haunted Attractions, Shocktale Terror Show,GLP, Gas Light Players, Renaissance Festivals, Writing, Directing,Acting, Sewing, Literature, Art & Music.


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