Friday, October 14, 2011

School: First Day!

Posted by Vulnadia on Aug 25, 2010 at 07:28 PM So the day finally happened...and I took my tiny trio to their very first full day of school... I hadn't ANY idea how this one was going to go, whether or not they would be okay, if I would be okay.. But surprisingly enough, once I got to the classroom, I tried to help them learn the new routine...and suddenly they were sitting in their spots, nametags on, and didn't even realize I was there... There were a bunch of parents staking claim to this one corner of the room and looking like they weren't planning on leaving anytime I figured it was time to just slip out...I couldn't say goodbye, not even if I had tried because their attention was focused elsewhere... They were reading happily...then teacher started her goodmorning song...and suddenly they were singing...and didn't notice I was even there...not one bit... So I slipped away... Today was their second day of school...I parked, and walked them in just like yesterday...we got the standard almost running us over bit in the carpool lane and the same woman who almost lost control of her car when seeing us, stopped eventually, and opened her door just to ask me, "Are those twins?" Good thing she was in park, because I told her nope, they are triplets, and she looked like she was going to pass out or something from the shock...(yes we are used to the questioning!) When we finally got up to the school itself, the teacher's aid suddenly had the boys or rather both boys had taken her hand and were off...Vivienne HAD been right beside me, but suddenly she was at the front door of the wing...and it was closing behind them...I didn't have any reason to follow really... Tomorrow I suppose I will drop them off in the carpool lane like the other kids...I don't seem to need to go inside...they learned their way around that first testing day...and they don't need me to tell them to put their name on the board or anything... So maybe, just maybe, I will have to establish a NEW routine for myself...soo much needs doing that I couldn't do before suddenly... Has anyone else had any trouble with their kids having seperation anxiety on their first days of school or did your children take to it as if it were the most natural place/thing in the world for them? How did you handle it? Did they cry? Did you?


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