Vivienne & The Magic Wands
Posted by Vulnadia on Aug 07, 2010 at 02:07 PM
Everyone by now has probably seen at least one Harry Potter movie and knows all about the basics of magic wands...
Somehow, my 4yr old even knows the basics about them even though she HASN'T yet seen a Harry Potter movie!
You see, it all started with a new nightie...we bought her one because while the boys have stacks of pajamas to choose from each evening, she only has a few things to pick from and that is sorta sad!
So, we found a tinkerbell nightie (yes another one) and this one happened to come with a magic wand...
Who knew that the magic wand would become such a facet in Vivienne's everyday life?
She set about IMMEDIATELY trying to acclimate it to herself. She worked very VERY hard because at first, it just did NOT must be broken!
I reassured her that it just took time and a little bit of see, she is accustomed to being able to turn the lights off and on with narry a tiny grunt...a feat she has honed for many a year now...
So, she has spent the last 3 weeks trying to master this new wand of hers...
Fast forward to the other night when the unthinkable happened...her brother borrowed and BROKE it into several pieces, OH MY!
Husband tried to hide it from her so she wouldn't know what happened until it could be replaced...
You have to understand, she SLEEPS with it wasn't a good idea to hide it under her bed...
She woke up at 4am, screaming and crying that the monster in the closet stole her magic wand!
It was HORRIBLE and she was quite inconsolable for the longest, she even woke her brothers up in the meantime!
A change in movie choice helped settle everyone at least so I could go back to sleep!
Last night, while out procurring the babies my birthday cake (they ordered chocolate) I happened accross a very nice red and gold snow white magic of all?
IT'S BENDABLE!!!!! It will reshape back to original form if crushed by a borrowing brother!!!
So for my birthday, I bought Vivienne a new magic wand...the boys each got a new pirate figure...
The FIRST thing she did this morning was turn around with it and SMITE her brother...I think it must have manifested in the form of stinky feet, who knows (I made his 15yr old self put his shoes back on!)
She hath proclaimed that this wand works MUCH better than the old one!!!!
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