Friday, October 14, 2011

That Multiple Bond

Posted by Vulnadia on Jul 22, 2009 at 01:37 PM In the past, many people have tried to tell me that there is no difference in multiples and having children that are close in age, especially when it comes to the sibling factor. Many have claimed that the supposed "Multiple bond" is just a myth and nonexistent and that siblings of different ages share the same closeness as their multiple counterparts. Yesterday, something happened that reinforced the idea that multiples truly are different. That bond really does exist in all its glory for better and for worse. You see, we were at my nephew's birthday celebration yesterday evening and Husband had stopped by after work in his own truck with the work trailer still attached even. Kian took one look at his Daddy and informed him that he would be riding home with him after the party, end of story. It's nearly impossible to turn down such love and adoration, even if it's for your truck, so of course Daddy couldn't say no. They managed to sneak away a tiny bit earlier than we were able to leave, though. Kian had a grand time on his Daddy's truck-ride home. But, once home, he quickly began to fret over the absence of his siblings. Meanwhile, back at the party, Bregon and I set out to collect the remaining two siblings and get them home for dinner. I managed to get Vivienne in the car pretty easily, but she began to cry immediately, screaming for Kian. Bregon found and collected Kai and went to buckle him into his seat when the floodgates of tears were unleashed from his baby blues. It was then that Bregon realized that both babies were frantically fighting their way out of their seats looking all around and screaming for their brother. They wanted and missed Kian and were worried about him. Meanwhile, back at our house, Daddy was quite in a quandary of his own. Kian immediately began to ask where his "Mommie van" was. He wanted to know why it wasn't home yet. Then his eyes welled up with tears and he began to call for his Kaiden Ashe. He tearfully looked at his Daddy and told him that, "My Moo's GONE!" and let out with a horrible wail. By the time we managed to get home, he was in full out hysterics thinking he was never going to see them again, because "THEY'RE GONE!" We met them in the front hallway of the house, all three babies wailing for each other. It was soo sad, but reassuring at the same time, for you see, they were acting like multiples. They really are a set, a unit, and act accordingly. Siblings have a close bond, but their's goes beyond the regular norm. They feel out of place when they aren't all together. They know when someone is hurt and often will cry for their siblings even though its the other child that is actually feeling the pain. They do everything together. They eat together, they sleep together, at the same time literally, and even have to go potty together (literally synchronized dirty diapers, kid you not.) Yesterday's activity just reinforced that there is something special between them and they are in fact a unit!


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