Friday, October 14, 2011

Buddy Eew's In the Potty, Can You?

Posted by Vulnadia on Jul 12, 2009 at 08:48 PM We have long since established that my trio have their own ways of interpreting and naming things, including their own language. They even have their own potty terms that they have set forth within the family for our understanding. We have Eewww (pooh) Not Eewww (also known as Piddle-Eewww) and No Eewww which is the absense of anything remotely disgusting or stinky that could possibly come from one's nether-regions. That being said, I had to tell the Doctor on Monday that nobody was particularly interested in potty training with the exception of Vivienne who loved to sit on the potty, but didn't have a clue what it was that was supposed to be done there. Remember how I had to tell the Doctor once upon a time how Vivienne couldn't walk yet and she stood up and did just that right then and there to prove me wrong? Well, in keeping with that, Kian made a dinner table announcement Monday night. He stood up, cringed with a funny look on his face and screamed "Eewww! POTTY!" He ran to me, grabbed my hand, and we were off to the potty room. I didn't think that this was going to be IT, but I did find a skid-mark when I removed his diaper so I didn't doubt that it might be time. I was trying not to get all excited or anything of course! Unfortunately, Vivienne and Kai automatically wanted to come inside and play with us, too. Because they couldn't, and the door was shut, and later had to be locked to keep out the rabble, they started to scream and knock on the door. Kaiden even kindly removed the stay-puff marshmallow doorknob cover for Vivienne so they could gain entry. That is exactly how the door came be locked. Bregon was soo excited, he scaled the babygate in the hallway, and came around through my bedroom to stand at the other door and talk to us. Kian was totally and completely freaked out and crying because of all the commotion outside. He stopped long enough to look at Bregon and I both and say, "Eewww, IT'S STUCK!" I tried every trick in the book to help him out. I finally got him calmed down enough to talk to me instead of cry, which was no small task given the warzone noises coming from my hallway! Bregon tried to help, but only ended up giving us his best Potty-Stand-up Routine that really ought to have been televised it was soo awful and funny. I was in tears and couldn't keep from laughing over the entire thing. Meanwhile, sometime during all of this, it happened. Kian said, "All Done, GET DOWN NOW!" And you know what? He was right. He was all done. He had actually gone to the potty successfully. He asked to be cleaned up so I showed him what to do and helped him do it. Then he flushed the potty and waved bye-bye to his Eewww as is his right. Next, he ran to tell his Daddy what he just did and accomplished! After he finished telling his Daddy all about what just went down, he informed him that it was time for some "Big boy Thomas Pants." Once the babies were in bed, we headed off to Target because how on earth could you possibly turn down that request? We bought big-boy pants for everyone, literally so when the time came we would be prepared and could use them for the big PRIZE. Then I went to get Kian something to commemorate the occasion. All his big brother had ever wanted was Spiderman Underwear and that is what he had gotten. This time, I was able to find a Thomas engine with mudsplatter and leaves on him. Yep, I somehow found basically an "EEWWW Thomas." Don't ask, I assume this was just meant to be somehow! The next morning, Kian came running downstairs to see if he had really gotten his Big Boy Thomas Pants (think of how Ralphi asked for his red ryder bb gun & that is exactly how he said it) and was soo excited to find them at his place at the dining room table! Eewww Thomas has since been renamed "Big Boy Thomas" and must go everywhere with Kian. Kai may not touch it, Kai may not even look at it without being met with Kian's wailing about it. Since then, the triplets have discussed all of this at length. Something has sunk in because Kai is no longer afraid to sit on the potty now. In fact, he often will try and beat the ones who DO know what goes on in there to the potty just so he can sit on it himself before they do. Yep, it has opened up a whole new can of worms, quite literally. I feel compelled to write a children's book now. It will have 3 installments, all of which are named for each of the kids, Buddy (Kian's nickname) Moo (Vivienne's) and Dude-dah-Dude (Kai.) The first installment will basically be based on Kian's experience and what happened and will be something along the lines of "Buddy Can Eewww In The Potty, Can You?"


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