Friday, October 14, 2011

Don't Believe Me? Check This Out!

Posted by Vulnadia on Feb 02, 2009 at 03:41 PM Okay, I know there are those of you out there who read and hear about my moaning and groaning over the things people do and say in front of and about my children. I hear it every time I try and go anywhere with my triplets, even if it is to a child-oriented place or event. I get it whenever I am in the grocery store, in the doctor's office, and yes, even in the bathroom stalls. I know that a lot of you don't believe me when I relay the stories of the things people have said and done when seeing my kids or hearing about them. But, now, with the bith of those poor Octoplets out in California, I finally have the undeniable proof that this stuff does, can and is happening. People apparently are very comfortable around folks who have single birth children. However, toss in a family with a multiple birth or even 2 multiple birth scenarios, and all of the sudden their peer's inhibition is tossed to the wind and all social order and logic goes out the window. Still don't believe me? Well, this week I will be posting and reviewing several articles that I have run accross posted amongst the news stories, on multiple birth issues, all spawned (no pun intended) by the octuplet birth in California last week. My purpose it to condemn or express views for or against any ideals or opinion or judgement on the family and the lady who successfully carried her octuplets to term by any means. This is designed to show you the folly of the world and its mindset and the way that multiples are being categorized, treated and presented and thought about in general. For your perusal: Earth Doesn't Have Room for Octuplets! Wednesday, January 28, 2009 filed under: california octuplets The popularity of fertility drugs and IVF have made multiple births the norm, but guess what --there's NO more room on Earth for everyone to have triplets and now octuplets! The people over at Population Connection make an excellent point: It's time to control the population number. We talked with the Director of Population Connection, Brian Dixon, to get the facts on U.S. population growth. Dixon tells us the Population Connection believes "every women around the world should have the opportunity to make their own choices for themselves and their family. There are 400,000 unwanted births a year and right now we have 300 million people in this country and by 2050 we will topping 400 million." Dixon also says that "Population growth has a negative impact on everyone and everything on the earth and strains resources around the world." What do you think about population control? Has it changed how you feel about having children? ____________________ So, what does everyone think about all of this? What exactly are they trying to say? Are they stating that there isn't room for naturally occuring triplets in the world? Another weird idea: How do you tell the difference between real triplets and IVF or any other fertility assisted triplets? I mean, they all look like everyone else once born. And on another note, if there are soo many unwanted children born, why is it so difficult for couples to adopt any of them? What makes people want to, or feel that they must turn to other countries for adoption? This is just the first of a host of articles I will be posting and sharing with everyone this week for discussion.


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