Posted by Vulnadia on Jan 20, 2009 at 02:53 PM
It is done!!!!! It is report card day!!!! I picked up my eldest from school today. He came out smiling, so I knew all was going to be good!
He said it was a rough day for him, though! Apparently, they don't give report cards until right before school lets out, so he had all day to wonder.
He even ran by his iffy classes to find out what his grades were, but that didn't help much, even!
He literally was sweating during his drama-lit class because of his worrying soo much over the situation.
But, once he had that little important yellow and green slip of paper in his hand, he knew his worries were over. Well, sort of, that is!
It would seem some well meaning know-it-all told him that if he got a 2.5 he would at least be put on the waiting list for Magnet. So he had this huge shadow of doubt all day in the back of his mind.
But, once it was all said and done, he had a higher G.P.A than he thought, and he had more than enough to turn that application in today.
So, I handed him his pen when he got into the van, and he signed on the dotted line, and we bee-lined it over to Magnet to get that puppy turned in!
Because of the iffy waiting-list comment, he made sure to grill the poor helpful lady behind the desk while she ran off a copy of his report card to complete his application.
She reassured him that while the students would be ranked according to G.P.A, that usually anyone with a 2.7 or above would get in without having to worry about the waiting list.
She also told him that since enrollment was way down for the year, that it would probably be even less of a worry for him.
He left the office all sorts of happy and smiling and psyched with anticipation. He really really really wants to go to school there!
He was so very funny, too. He asked me if I had brought any frogs or oreos to turn in with his application (knowing that the principal there has a soft spot for both since she was once my English teacher years ago...)
I just smiled and told him that maybe we should save that little trump card for a time when it's really need (but let's hope we never need it for more than a Thank You Card or Christmas Present!)
So, it's done. The long wait is over and we got to turn in that application. Nobody even said anything about the suspicious bite marks on the corner of the test scores, but I did a nice job at making them less noticable apparently!
Now all we have to do is go to Open House and talk to the Fencing Coach about the possibility of getting on the Fencing Team for this next year and check out the Drama Department.
Next stop, the wait for the acceptance letter. Look for more anticipation and sweating it out blogs closer to the end of February!
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