My Toy Story
Posted by Vulnadia on Jan 16, 2009 at 01:08 PM
Everybody has one, really they do. You know, "Toy Story," just like in the movie.
My kids have been busily watching those movies for a few months now. In fact, we got the sequal for Christmas which has really amplified our situation over here.
You see, my eldest had just about every toy from that movie, some on purpose, some quite on accident.
We even have the Little Tykes Fire Truck with the little people who ride in it, same as Andy has.
I was young and silly, and made sure that when Burger King had the toys, we got them all. So, I even have Bo Peep and her 3-headed sheep and the little wind up Potato Head and Piggie and the Viewmaster.
Now, my little people have learned all about it, and the obsession has taken over.
Unfortunately for me, Woody has developed this huge knack for being able to disapear at the exact moment Kian must have his presence.
Yep, they have become THOSE toys. The ones who must be slept with, fought over, and squirreled away lest your sibling decide to like it more than you do.
Oh, it's not necessarily the same toy that is being obsessed over by the same little person over here.
Don't get me wrong, we had the forsight to make sure we had several Buzzes, too.
We have Real Buzz, Other Buzz and little Buzz 1 & 2. We even have the Evil Emporer Zurg somewhere (or did, I think he has taken to hiding, smart guy!)
But, Kian must have his Uzz & Boody to sleep with each day. Nobody else must touch the Uzz or Boody that he wishes to have, either, or screaming shall ensue.
Poor Toy Story folk, what a rough life it must be. I can only think of what is to happen in the sequel which thankfully shall come out this summer!!!!
One Buzz lives with Kai, one small one must live with Vivienne, one large one lives with Kian (& it had better be Real Buzz or else!)
The small Buzzes live with Kian, too, of course, as does Woody. I get to hear Woody play his guitar and sing all night long sometimes (it's motion sensitive in places.)
My daughter is the Alien fan, so the stuffed talking Alien dollie lives with her. It's sort of like having an adoring glo-bug to sleep with who ooh's and ahh's at you.
Yesterday, I knew I was in trouble when Kai was running around downstairs all excited over having made the discover that the words "Andy" are written on the bottom of our Woody's foot.
He has determined that we must have THE REAL WOODY at our house.
It's funny, because these toys have joined the ranks of their beloved Ted and Teddy's and the much revered "Mac" (the car carrier from Cars) and have become their favorites.
But, I suppose we each have our own toy story, now don't we. I often wonder what the toys think of all of this....hmmm....
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