Friday, October 14, 2011

The Downside of Tape Is...

Posted by Vulnadia on Apr 10, 2009 at 09:56 PM By now everyone probably is familiar with the fashion statement and much needed diapering accessory of tape in my household. It plays a very integral part in my Mommie-sanity (& I use that term very very VERY loosely!!!) We use either electrical tape or clear packing tape to keep our diapers in place and on our behinds. We also have taken to using it to keep the movies INSIDE the babies' nursery DVD looks rather, um, bondage-like, but it works...mostly... Tape in my house isn't just utilitarian, it's a fashion statement. One lessonthat my #2 son, #1 triplet learned tonight. Yep, the downside of tape is STICKY!!! And not just sticky fingers, but sticky enough to bind oneself to objects. You see, a dear friend of mine always joked about how he had the best kid-containment/punishment system EVER. You have to understand that he is also typically male, and does not have children of his own...and after hearing my stories and angst, he probably never EVER WILL !!!! Really his idea of keeping kids involves scaring them with the threat of playing what he affectionately calls, "Hostage/Terrorist" (yes it was invented long before it became politically incorrect!) Actually, this game has been being played for centuries, only now it involves the use of tape...the kids are the hostage, the babysitter is the terrorist. If you are bad, you get taped back to back sitting in a chair 'til Mommie gets home. My eldest always just laughed at him, but I have friends whose kids took him very very seriously. Well, my kids will never ever have this tool work on them...EVER!! You see, they beat him to the punchline.... We all know Vivienne has been on a roll lately. Tonight, my eldest innocently forget to take the tape and scissors with him when he left the nursery after changing the movie in the DVD player. I know you know what comes next, I really don't even have to type it, but here goes. Bregon went running upstairs after hearing his baby brother's high-pitched screaming only to barge in on two busy 3year olds. Vivienne and Kian had managed to tape Kaiden to Vivienne's bed. They did it royally well, too, I might add. We came back from doing our Bunny Business to this HUGE wad of tape in the garbage can and a very amused 14 yr old....frightened, but amused. We will never EVER know what Kai did to warrant such treatment, just that he now knows that he had better not mess with his siblings, EVER!!! Thank GOD they have yet to learn about superglue! I hope that I don't speak too soon!


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