Friday, October 14, 2011

Munchkin's Made My Manic Monday

Posted by Vulnadia on Oct 27, 2008 at 07:12 PM I've waited nearly two months for this Monday to finally get here so that I could enjoy it. I should have known that my munchkins would make sure to make it special for me! Let me fill you in a bit on what has been going on. I have been working non-stop on my revived non-profit theater's major fundraiser haunt for over a year now. We have literally been re-grouping as many of our old troupe as possible along with picking up and training new folks as well. This show has been in rehearsal since August, and we opened it last Thursday with the opening of the State Fair of Louisiana. It has been a huge undertaking and one of the largest endeavors I have ever been a part of. It has also been extremely stressful and difficult to balance my family, household, four kids (three of which are toddlers that must stay at home) and my three jobs as well! But, with the opening of the show, and everything learning to run on its own, I was looking forward to relaxing and trying to wind down today. Of course my tiny trio had other plans for me on my Monday! For starters, Kai had to demonstrate his new-found ability to utilize the feeding chairs as ladders. I caught him tossing anything and everything he could find either on to the floor or over the ledge into the kitchen sink (garbage disposal side of course!) I thought that I had solved the problem by moving the chairs up to the dining room table, but that was all sorts of wrong! I found them trying to crack open Bregon's ADHD medication container about an hour later! Luckily, none of the babies figured out how to get into the container, and it did have a silver lining as it reminded me to call and get his refill prescription written! Now if I can only remember to go and pick it up, I will be in business! When I went to make dinner for the babies, I found that the living room and dining room were awfully quiet, yet I could faintly hear the babies. I finally found them in the laundry room. Apparently, they had decided that it would be nice to break in past the bi-fold door lock and have some fun mixing the clean laundry with the dirty laundry and sort some things into the wash basins as well. Did I mention how much Kai is fascinated by laundry detergent granules? He managed to find my Sam's sized box of detergent and drag it accross the laundry room by the handle (which is conveniently located and was attached to the top of the lid which now hangs by a thread!) Have any of you ever tried cleaning up powdered detergent before? It's not fun, and it's not easy! I would normally just take the opportunity and mop, but they shredded the sponge on lived in the laundry room safely out of harm's way...til now. I finally got everything cleaned up, I think! Who knows what they will come up with to do tomorrow!


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