A Trip To The Doctor
Posted by Vulnadia on Mar 19, 2010 at 10:40 PM
Since they turned 4, it was time to head to the doctor for our annual appointment!
The babies LOVE LOVE LOVE to go to the doctor. In fact, they often will make up ailments just so that they HAVE to go...or in hopes that I will have to take them!
They love to get their suckers and stickers and bandaids...I know I know, but at my house, they could wear nothing but bandaids and appear fully dressed they wear soo many!
This time, they would be going for THEM though, and it would be different since our last few visits have been for Bregon!
We went back IMMEDIATELY..literally I hadn't finished signing in yet and Ms Kathy was taking everyone back to weigh-in!
We had our usual Green room (it's the biggest!) Everyone took their shoes off and was excited to see how much they have grown!
They were eager to take turns and very VERY interested to see what they would get to do next!
We put our arms inside a balloon and let Ms Kathy inflate it so we could see what it felt like to be inside of one!
Then it was time to head to the lab for bandaids and stickers! I know it sounds weird, but seriously, they LOVE the lab.
They actually will offer up their fingers for labwork quite purposefully because they know they get to pick out their own bandaids and go through the sticker box afterward.
Can you tell they really like my kids there? They think they are hysterical since nobody cries and the only fuss is over who gets to go first or next!
Vivienne even got to show off her potty powers and figured out the odd request of having to give a speciman.
Then the bad news came. They would have to have IMMUNIZATIONS...I slyly used that huge word, remembering how Peyton Kelley would have Mum use that word thinking that I wouldn't know what was to come (even though I was NEVER fooled) and figured that the babies wouldn't get it either...and it worked!
They knew they had to do this so that they could go to school next year and stay healthy!
Unfortunately, the first 2 shots didn't hurt, just a pinch and everyone did great on those.
It was that last one that got them, it hurt soo badly! Everyone else was okay after a bit, save for Kian who is STILL offended over the idea that they hurt him at the doctor's office.
He is STILL talking about it and this visit was on Wednesday last! He also requested that we go and see ANOTHER Doctor who will not hurt him...silly boy!
All in all it was a nice appointment, though. The babies were all good and did as they were told and learned a LOT. They were even good for their shots in spite of that last doozy of one!
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