Friday, October 14, 2011

Sleeping Solutions

Okay, after rereading the antics of my three years olds for the past three weeks, I have come to the conclusion that I have to find a solution to my troubles and FAST! I want. Wait, I NEED them to be back on their hospital issue schedule. You know, the one they have been on for the past three years? Well, in an attempt to get it back, and restore some semblance of peace and sanity to my house, I have made myself a plan. For the next several weeks, I am going to get up earlier, work in the morning, and take my kids somewhere each day, shooting for in between the hours of 2 & 6 p.m. in some attempt at tiring them out soo much that they will want to eat again and moreso, SLEEP at a decent hour, for a decent timeframe befitting three year olds. So, I decided spring break was a great time to give it a whirl, while I had Bregon to help me out with them so we can check out the parks and places and see which is best for us and which won't work for us. That way, I won't have too many surprises when I make my go of it alone with just me and my trio. I made a list of potential places to go, all of them free, and we set out to give my master plan a test


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