Friday, October 14, 2011


Posted by Vulnadia on Apr 10, 2009 at 09:18 AM The babies are in the other room, and if we make much noise, their internal alarms will sound and they will cry... You see, they didn't get much sleep last night. In fact, they hardly got any sleep at all. They watched "Annie" several times. They even watched "Thomas" but sleep did not come for them. It was midnight and they were all back downstairs under the guise of being hungry. You would think that they would have to sleep someday, wouldn't you? Wrong, oh how wrong I was on that account! They were not hungry, they were not thirsty. They were just past the point of being tired, their noses were running, and they were seriously unhappy little people. Medicine did not work, either. Bregon even forked over every Transformer toy that he could find in some attempt at making them all happy. The babies all cried because somebody else had the toy that they needed, wanted, had to have. When you gave them that toy, it became another toy that made them incredibly sad. In Kai's case, nobody could ever quite figure out what the matter was. He just lay on the floor and cried no matter what. When we picked him up, he got even worse. I finally decided to pull the old change the clothes if nothing else calms em down trick. It just made Kai even sadder. He was nearly impossible to undress, and even harder to get new pajama's on to. Finally, I made husband carry Kai upstairs, screaming fit and all, and put him in his crib. The poor baby was soo tired, he couldn't even move. All he could do was sit there, leaning up against his Pablo pillow in a daze. Everybody calmed down enough to stay upstairs for the night. I thought that they might sleep a bit as they went to sleep soo very late for them. Boy was that a sllly concept. They were up at the crack of dawn with snot running EVERYWHERE. Kai sounded like a tiny Tazmanian Devil swirling around upstairs in the nursery. He had apparently woken up and went straight back to crying again. I managed to convince them all to come downstairs for breakfast in hopes of them enjoying the Easter specials on television. For the moment, they are quiet, but I don't know how long this is going to last. Kaiden refuses to leave his Daddy's armpit on the couch. Vivienne won't leave my side and is busily going through my bedroom as I type this. I have no idea what Kian is up to except that he is wandering around the living room in some sort of daze and actually said yes when asked if he wanted a fresh diaper. He ALWAYS says NO to diapers, it's his mantra, his creed. Even when he knows he needs one, he responds with a huge resounding NO! Everyone is walking on eggshells this morning and nobody got any sleep last night. The babies are medicated, but still not sleeping!! It's going to be a long day! ssshhh!!! vivie cried herself to sleep...& kai nearly passed out while cuddling on daddy... & kian is happy cause its quiet!!!! they are upstairs in the nursery somehow!!! ~Mimi


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