Friday, October 14, 2011

Tear Off That Band-aid?

Posted by Vulnadia on Aug 03, 2009 at 02:28 PM What am I to do? Last night, the little girl from the bus accident died, putting me in a quandary. We have been muddling through our lives ever since that fateful Sunday, trying to stay positive and go forward. Bregon has been making such good progress, too. We have only a few weeks until he starts high school, and it's going to be hard enough without his best friend here. He finally is at a point where he doesn't spontaneously cry anymore at the drop of a pin. Usually he doesn't even realize he is doing it until after it starts, either. I had thought we were doing soo good, or at least he was. His friend's Mom's birthday was Saturday which had me pretty sad all over again. Heck, I had to go out of town last weekend, only to find myself watching traffic even more closely than my normal phobia has me doing because of that wreck. I tear up everytime I allow myself to think about any of it. I get upset when I have to remind Bregon to clean their turtle that we are STILL house-sitting, and most likely he will stay with us forever now. So now do I break the news to Bregon about Maggie being gone? He knew her a little bit, but the fact that she was hurt when his best friend died that day is going to tear open that wound that we have been working to close these past few weeks. I don't want to tell him, but I just don't know if I should or not. It will be like ripping the band-aid off of a day old wound that has just scabbed over and I don't want to go there this close to school starting. I have to go to a high school meeting Thursday. I am unhappy because normally Brandon's Mom would be meeting me there, and I would be saving her a seat so we could sit together and do the Mommie thing together. I cry when I think about it because we really thought we would be doing graduation together again in 4 years. Bregon and he had such plans together...And school starts in a few weeks. We have the freshman day coming up, too. Sure, he has loads of friends also going. He even has the good fortune to already have many friends at the school there already spread among all of the grades. Everyone will be there, but the friend that counts and that's what I worry about. If I am upset about it, then I know how he must be feeling inside. And now this little girl is gone. I warned him that first day that this might be inevitable, but we had such hopes that she would come out of it all okay. Now I am torn. Do I tell him or not?


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