Wanted : 1 Nanny
Posted by Vulnadia on May 16, 2009 at 08:03 PM
I don't know what I was thinking, other than child happiness and mesmerization for a while, but I decided to let my tiny trio watch Mary Poppins the other day.
All that my eldest could do was look at me in disbelief and say in abject horror, "Mom? You know we have a fireplace, right?"
I had a sudden dawning realization that I had somehow quite forgotten to actually think about the movie and what happens in it before allowing the kids to watch it.
So, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised in the least to find that my children had decided that they were just like Jane and Michael and that they too could hire and find their very own nanny.
In fact, mine are quite sure they can summon Mary Poppins, herself, if only they can figure out the right order of events that cause her to appear!
First, they ripped a page out of their favorite board book. Next, Kian supplied a contraband lead-less pencil that he procurred from his Daddy the other night under the guise of needing one for his pocket just like Daddy's.
Next, they tried to scribble their very own advetisement for a nanny on that bit of paper, but ended up putting scratch mark through it instead, but that would work, or so they thought!
They carefully crumpled the letter and tossed it into the fireplace. When nothing happened, they took it out and tore it up and tossed in the pieces in a second attempt at getting the bits to float up the chimney.
When nobody came knocking, they decided that they had better listen to the movie version Nanny, and get out of those clothes (wet in the movie from the rain) and they added in their own bits after that!
Yep, that is the point when I found them all three stripped naked, dancing and singing around the fireplace to the chim-chiminey song.
Lucky for me they had yet to actually try ascending the chimney...YET!
Mary has still yet to come knocking at our door, but that hasn't stopped the babies from wishing!!
Now if I can just keep their clothes on and the babies out of the fireplace, I will be in business!
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