Friday, October 14, 2011

The Week In Review & What Is To Come

Posted by Vulnadia on Apr 30, 2009 at 06:43 PM We always seem soo very busy now-a-days, it's hard to stop and remember to write about everything that I want to remember! Let's see, where to start. Oh yes, the coffee pots have been quite a target this week. Somehow, along with the discovery that you can put water in them, the babies have decided that they NEED the coffee pots!!! Yep, I looked up just as Kai was carefully bringing in the 2nd contraband pot, this one with about an inch of nice caffeine laden coffee in the bottom of it! He has taken to using the crates that hold their toys as stepstools to give him access to just about anything on the kitchen counters imaginable. He is soo adept that he can actually reach and obtain both coffee pots and not break either or spill anything. He also has discovered that the sink has a sprayer and it looks like FUN!!!! I also walked into the kitchen one day to find Kaiden stripped down to nothing but his birthday suit. His tiny, very naked little body was draped over the pass-thru to the kitchen and he was hanging on by his armpits literally dangling (turns out he had grapsed the ledge with his fingers and walked up the side to do this) o'er the ledge. He had that spray nozzle all the extended and was on task to turn the water on when I caught him. The scary thing is, that he had the forthought to decide to strip down as not to get his favourite shirt wet or give himself super bad diaper rash should he douse his diaper from the inside out. He had learned recently that when one plays too much in water at the park that one's diaper becomes wet and the elastic at the legs will rub a nasty spot which makes it hurt to walk!!! My daughter also exhibited a new talent this week. You see, I let my kids watch musicals like I was allowed to at their age. We have been watching "Annie" lately 'til Mum got tired of dreaming the entire libretto in her sleep (I already knew all the words from when I was little & staged productions of it in our backyard.) So, to combat the dreams, I got them copies of "Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" and "Cats" to try as well. This has led to Vivienne discovering that she likes to sing! She stood in the middle of the living room and belted was something...she knew the words and what it was supposed to be because she very adamantly sang the ENTIRE THING from start to finish for us. I only wish I had taped it because she was soo serious and yes, she added in a tiny dance number towards the end to go with it! Now they fight over which movie they watch before bed each night. Nobody can decide what they like better! Poor Bregon, he has been helping me gather art for the "Love/Hate" Artshow that is tomorrow, May 1rst at Minicine on Texas Avenue. He has been working on his own pieces, and agreed to hang several of his existing ones for us as well. He helped me get my sculpted torso from the haunt, get her painted, and husband and I did the rest of the deed. She ended up really nifty, or at least I think so. I interpreted the theme a bit differently than most or so I am told. My piece is called "Desire" and is the white stone torso with a butcher knife plunged into her breast with very small trickles of blood down the front of her body. A framed "Dear John" letter hangs next to it. The frame glass is broken and the letter has been crumpled. You can still read the text through tear stains and the dried blood from the crimescene. The theme just made me think of all the badly ended relationships that are in the news as of late and that is what came out of it. Husband and I also sent one of the "Showgirl" sketches to hang as well as a piece from the haunt that is very very different and hard to describe! All of this has been intersperced with husband's 7:30 Opera call each night, cast parties that I have been meeting him and friends at, and the usual work! This weekend Bregon has National Qualifiers in fencing. I wonder what it is I am supposed to remember about next week???


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