Friday, October 14, 2011

Please Don't Feed The Birdies!

Posted by Vulnadia on Apr 30, 2009 at 06:25 PM This past Tuesday, a very adventurous friend decided that we should do lunch like real ladies do. Hmm...She was very adventurous and very brave! Yes, she even was aware of everything involved in us going to lunch! So, we set a time and date and jumped in with both feet, literally I suppose! We arranged to meet at 12:30 at Monjuni's. I thought that my little people would enjoy dipping their bread if nothing else! By the time we arrived, my friend had very bravely chosen a nice table out on the patio for us, thinking that if we had to leave them in the stroller that we would have pleanty of room to do so! As luck would have it, we ended up being right next to a rather large stack of high chairs! I never go anywhere assuming that they have enough available to accomodate us, but this day we were in luck! Together we lined the chairs up and assembly line-freed the little people. I set up cups with juice for them, and dove back into the diaper bag. I had very thoughtfully remembered to bring their traveling bowls & silverware that they are used to eating with at home! I spooned their very own portions of red sauce into their bowls and broke up a piece of bread for them to share. Then we sat and watched and waited to see what the kids would do. Nobody tried to escape was our first observation. This was a great sign that this was going to work out! Kian was a bit miffed at having to wear his bib, so he sort of glared at me for a while until he realized that it had Nemo on it, then it was acceptable. Everybody dove into their bread and sauce head first so to say, and loved it! It was a huge hit! I bravely ordered them a plate of kid's spaghetti to share because they really don't eat much. Our salads came out first, so I shared my noodles with them. They really liked it dipped in their red sauce, I should have guessed! When our food came, we were surprised to find that they were excited about their "Noodles" as they call it! They loved every bite!!! Then they started noticing everything around them. Kian was especially impressed with the hanging grape lights. Grapes are some of his favourite food and he was happy to see them in light form! Then I noticed that Kai and Vivienne had started chirping for some reason or another. Upon closer inspection, they were actually trying to entice 2 birds that had flown in and landed on a neighboring table over to try some bits of bread they had broken off for them! They were too cute! Thankfully, the birds wouldn't come close enough to us while we were at the table. But the kids were delighted to see that the birdies did come eat the bread as we were leaving! It was a very successful lunch all in all! We didn't have any tears and nobody was loud or got into trouble at all! My friend thinks we should do this on a regular basis, too, so this should be the beginning of quite an adventure!


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