When Mom Is Really Legally Dad: Baby #3
Posted by Vulnadia on Feb 15, 2010 at 01:33 PM
So when the kids are older, how will they explain that "Mama" is really legally "Papa?"
And better yet, this article goes on to state that this "Man" isn't really a man afterall...or is she?
"He" used to be a "She" or so the article states...wait a minute, what's that they say?
She doesn't have "He" parts...just an engorged nether-region (to be a bit more p/c) so how is this person legally considered a man?
Seriously, this raises an interesting question. I can change my identity by going before a judge and making the request with documentation and a nice story saying why I want to change my name and they may or may not grant it.
So, can somebody please tell me, how did this person legally convince a judge or a court to change their gender from female to male when they don't have a penis or even scrotum & everything we all know goes along with it?
From the pictures she...or legally "He" has a male-looking chest...but they state that this person does not in fact have a penis...
To me this doesn't say, "Hi, I'm a guy." What do you think? Does taking hormones allow you to consider yourself a different gender than the one you were born in to???
Do "Parts" really make the man or do hormones and removal of one's breasts constitute a true sex-change for lack of better terms?
I personally have to wonder how someone could truly want to be a man, even consider themselves male, yet not go through with the entire transformation, even going so far as to keep his female reproductive organs fully functional.
This just defies definition in my book. What do you think? Is this person truly a "He" or a "She?"
What should define gender legally in this day and age? How could the courts allow this person to legally change their gender without having all of the..um...parts necessary to meet the criteria?
Seriously, I have a friend who is transgender and has been living as a woman for as long as we have been aquainted, and he STILL is not legally considered a woman even though he lives as one and has most of the parts as one.
We had an interesting concept come up over which bathroom she should use from a legal standpoint and she actually uses the ladies room even though she still has male parts...but knows that she can be fined for it if someone were to say anything.
Honestly, unless you actually KNOW the issue, one wouldn't think to say, "Hey that's not a lady, that's a guy" because she lives as a lady, considers herself a lady, but here in the bible belt they will not allow her declared a woman.
So, how did this guy manage it? Seriously, I really would like to hear what everyone thinks on the matter.
Pregnant Man Thomas Beatie Expecting THIRD Child
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