Bug Bites!
Posted by Vulnadia on May 20, 2009 at 02:38 PM
Monday was the first totally dry day we have had in so very long in our neighborhood, so I decided not to keep my kids inside any longer.
We headed out to pick up Bregon from school and then to the Icee store to get Icees.
Of course after nearly a month of rain every day or every other day keeping everything muddy and spongey and wet, they had gotten out of the habit of going to the park so they didn't expect it anymore.
It was quite a treat to hear them squeal in excitement as we pulled up the drive to the church.
By the time I was parked, the babies were all bouncing in their seats, ready to go and play!
About the time we got everyone out and over to the play area, another car pulled up.
A bunch of friendly little girls piled out to join us on the playground. Kaiden LOVED them all, and played with them exclusively until they went home!
Everyone had such a lovely afternoon at the park. Kian was soo tired, he couldn't find the strength to eat his peanut butter and jelly sandwich, poor dear.
Unfortunately, a fun day at the park came with a bit of a problem. The next day, the babies woke up looking like they had some sort of pox!
They had HUGE bug bites all over them! Apparently, polka-dots are all the rage for park-going babies!
Now, whenever we even think about going outside, we spray everyone down with Off!
Unfortunately, I think the bugs actually like the stuff, though!
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