A New Beginning
Posted by Vulnadia on May 31, 2009 at 08:00 PM
This past week, something that has been ongoing for quite a while finally culminated and came to a head.
It's probably been long in coming, and I cannot say that I am not happy that it finally did, because now things seem to be taking a new positive direction.
We have been having lots of uncomfortable incidences that have been happening for quite some time now, more than some of us even realized.
I won't rehash it here, but I was really upset by a lot of it, as it has been quite a lonely site for a while now due to lack of posting buddys.
So, I set out to try and see what could be done about it. I ended up feeling compelled to PM a few folks, which I hope turned out okay.
Then, it finally dawned on me. Used to, we all welcomed everyone and got to know each other when we had a new poster.
With the site change-over, and the group settings, it has become more and more difficult to do just that.
So, I decided to try and keep our old friends posting and not to let the apathy creep in and run them off and find a new way to meet the folks that we don't know yet.
I started a new thread when I should have been getting dressed to go and pick up Bregon and then pack for my graduation trip to Texas.
I hoped folks wouldn't get offended, and I hoped for the best, i truly did, knowing that I was about to be without internet for the next few days and unable to help any of it along.
Almost immediately, it picked up. I was scared at first because I had no idea what our admin would think about it, but I felt that something had to happen.
I came back from getting Bregon to find that the posts seemed steady. Moreso, they were positive for the first time in what seemed like forever.
I'm not saying the whole time that things have been negative, because I have met some great new folks, but the overall tone was just plane odd.
I worried that it was me, truly I still do worry. I am one of the few original folk left on the site from its launching, and it can get monotonous and boring if I am one of just a few posters!
Let's face it, my life isn't all THAT exciting. Different sometimes, but not terribly exciting.
I know I'm not "That" kind of Mom and dont expect everyone to just accept me as I am.
Life doesn't work that way and I had managed to skate by for the longest without much fanfaire!
But, when I got back, I reluctantly logged on, holding my breath, wondering what I would find.
Would I be asked to leave the group? Would anything have changed at all? I just had no idea what to expect.
What I discovered was, that while I was out, something happened. Something did change, and it came from all over, not just one place.
People were introducing themselves. Ladies were posting questions, answers.
Problems were presented, possible solutions came pouring in and nobody seemed unhappy anymore.
Ideas were flying, and the wheels had started turning. A solution to an open playdate schedule was proposed and I think it is even being implemented!
A few of us alread had decided that we would post our schedules to see if anyone else wanted to join us in our activities or even for lunch.
Things are evolving, the site is hopping again, and overall, the whole tone has changed...FOR THE BETTER!
I have hope, and I refuse to give up on having it. I know that together we can go forward and make this work to the best of our efforts!
I am so proud and pleased with everyone for pitching in and following through.
Let's get this party started and meet some new friends and help everyone out!
i'm excited & hopeful- but i dont give up on much of anything or anyone-
i find myself defending folks too- some things just upset the heck out of me- the biggie happened last spring, but it blew over...we do what we feel is right- & really i admire folks who have the guts to say/do those types of things-they are standing up for what they believe in or believe is right & that speaks volume!!!!
i dont have to agree with any post at all!
i feel silly posting when i know nobody is going to answer/read it!!! but i have kept on plugging away in some attempt to make a go of things!!!!
hoping things get better for you!!! i have lots of things that i dont feel that i should put on the site, but maybe should- i shared one of them this week actually & turns out lots of us have guy friends...which makes me feel better somehow...weird as it is!
i think we can make it work! hope to get to meet up with you at some point!
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