Friday, October 14, 2011

More Midnight Tea

Posted by Vulnadia on Nov 05, 2008 at 11:55 AM Lately, when husband and I have been getting home from closing our show for the night, which is very late, at least one of my babies has been up waiting on us. Usually, it is the Beautiful Baby Vivienne, who waits up to see her Daddy who she loves so very much. Thankfully, flattery gets her everywhere, and her Daddy is very happy to snuggle and get his kissies at midnight, even though he can barely stay awake! Then there was the few days where we were having dirty diapers at midnight, or so it seemed. Kian really truly HATES to be dirty and hasn't any qualms about voicing his disdain, regardless of the hour! So, we have spent many a night over the past few weeks, having late-night tea with our babies. We just get out the sippy cups and cookies and let them have their midnight tea with us while we have our dinner. I would go out on a limb and say that it is tiring, but in truth, it is truly relaxing to get baby love and kissies and adoration, even in the middle of the night!


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