Friday, October 14, 2011

Scary Mums Stick Together

Posted by Vulnadia on Oct 28, 2008 at 10:26 AM Okay, so my haunt fundraiser opened last Thursday along with the State Fair out at the fair grounds. It truly is a family affair, too! To begin with, the veterans have all known each other since we were 16, sometimes younger. Now, we all have our kids, neices, nephews, sisters etc. all working the show as well! Everyone is related to someone else out there, and sometimes we find that folks that we didn't think were related, are in fact related! Apparently, haunting is genetic, too, because I have a new guide who happens to do things while guiding exactly like his Daddy used to, and he hasn't ever even seen his daddy guide! I know they get tired of me saying "Awwww" & such, but it's true, and it's cute when that happens! Then there are the extended Huck family. My eldest came out this past weekend to work, and wondered why two of the girls seemed so very familiar. He couldn't place it, but soon they were thick as thieves....again....As it turns out, one of my guides used to babysit for me (she is a dear friend's sister and also now a dear friend of mine as well!) and these are her daughters that my child is remembering from when he was 3! So, now all of our kids are getting to share the same experiences that we had when we were kids, and it's rebuilding and reuniting and entertwining this pseudo family of sorts. We aren't all necessarily related, but after this year, we might as well be! It was also nifty getting to watch my niece and son work the same room together on purpose, just so they could creature together for an hour. They knocked em dead literally in there, too! I know a lady who is some sort of child therapist who is seriously against subjecting children to this sort of venue on the grounds that it will hurt them somehow. I met her recently, and she was shocked to find out about an incident where my trio found a prop in my van and played with it and they weren't frightened by it. All I could do was try and explain to this lady how they haven't been taught that something was scary and to them this was just someone that looked "Different" not frightening to them. My kids thought what they found was a doll and related to it to the point where they decided that because it was bald like Kai that it should be named "Kaiden" so the baby has a name now, too! I don't know if being in this sort of environment hurts a child or not, but I have several friends with kids who also grew up in similar industries and they are all normal contributing citizens, so I have hopes! So, for now, we are rebuilding a psuedo-family of friends. I met my husband and best friend out at the original show, and have friends that have stayed in touch longer than my friends from high school, so I truly think we will all be okay! Yes, there are those of us who are Mums standing back at the end of that long line that leads from our box office to the front door of our haunt, watching as our kids go out into the fair dressed in their black to hawk our show, intimidating people, staring them down, and we all get warm squishy fuzzy feelings when they showed us how they knew exactly what to do and how to spew blood too, without getting it on their clothes! I know, I know, not everyone is that kind of Mum, but there are those of us who are, and we stick together!


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