Multiple Mania
Posted by Vulnadia on Jul 19, 2010 at 11:09 AM
This posting/thread came up on the national boards & I just couldn't believe that people really do sit around & think things like this, I mean, REALLY?
Seriously? Do they even KNOW what it is they are asking/wishing?
It's not that I mind the whole, "Are Multiples Easier" bit, or anything, natural curiousity doesn't bother me.
It's the whole get it over in one shot business & the thought that it would just be easier to have one pregnancy & be done with your entire family. Do they even realize the risks involved to both the mother and the babies??? ESPECIALLY the babies...
And to add insult to injury, I'm willing to BET that these ladies are the SAME ones who are quick to trash Octomom for having hers.
I know I know more about it than most, but I just can't get over the idea that ANYONE would want to purposefully have a high risk pregnancy or even wish preemieness & the problems that multiple preemies face on their children and families.
They think they are cute...but do they realize how scary it really is never knowing from one day to the next if you will be pregnant with one baby, two or three babies or any babies at all?
Do they understand that everytime you go in for your ultrasound (and they happen quite often in multiple pregnancies)that there is this feeling of "What-if?" that can happen?
I wish I could make them understand how the specialist's office is not a happy place, that more often than not I saw ladies come out in tears because their babies no longer had heartbeats & they were headed over to admitting to say goodbye ( to try and put it as nice as possible)or they found out that something was seriously wrong with a baby and that they no longer were carrying multiples or that they must make a decision on if to terminate over birth defects or not...
But in their singleton world, they think it's easier to get it over with at one time, not to have to go through 2 labors & that end of pregnancy discomfort more than once would be great...
They can't possibly think it's easier to function in a multiple pregnancy where your body can't move but your mind is racing...& the pain they experienced in a singleton pregnancy is nothing compared to the discomfort from carrying 2 or more babies at once...
I just cannot believe people really do sit around and think like that, I mean REALLY?
I don't know, maybe I'm just mean, or unsympathetic to their cause, but my goodness, why on earth would anyone want to purposefully do this to themselves and their possible children?
We as multiple mommies made choices to carry ours as far as we could, we took on a HUGE battle and responsibility. Most cannot handle the one, so why would they say they want multiples...because they are cute...seriously?
What do you think?
HERE is the original thread and the post that caught my eye initially.
"I have to admit that I've always been slightly envious of moms of twins. One pregnancy, two babies...instant playmates for life, etc. Then again, twice the diaper changes....
If you could choose, would you rather have more babies at once or just have one at a time? Moms of multiples, please weigh in!"
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