The Start Of Something New
Posted by Vulnadia on Nov 26, 2008 at 02:59 PM
Last week I was informed, that SURPRISE, apparently I had just won the family lotto or something...we are starting something new this year.
My father sent me an email informing me that he has decided that the family is doing Thanksgiving AT MY HOUSE!!!!
This is such SHORT notice...not enough time to properly plan or clean up. Then there is the fact that I just closed a huge massive show and have remnants of the props costumes and overall stuff all over my house and garage.
Heck , I am still dealing with all of the financial aspects of the show and trying to get back into the swing of things work-wise!!!! Did i mention that my eldest's birthday was this past saturday with a sleepover party slated for last friday night???
Here is the funny part! Daddy wants to cook everything at his house, then bring it over to my house.
The offer is really sweet ,except for the minor fact that a turkey is big, bulky and not an easy thing to cart around! Not to mention the rest of the stuff he wants to bring with it.
Thankfully, I have him convinced to let me tackle the is bathing in its brine as we speak!
Last night , I even managed to scrape together some semblence of a squash casserole, even.
I still have yet to make the sweet potatos and the chocolate pie, but they are both immenent I am sure!
I just received another email from dear Daddy. He is still insisting upon cooking it all at his house then carting it all over here to my house... in his tiny trunk...that should make for a good story...I shall have to try and remember to take pictures!
Now if we can only survive tomorrow we shall all be in good shape!
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